62A-16-302. Reporting to, and review by, legislative committees. (1) The Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel shall provide a copy of thereport described in Subsection
62A-16-301(1)(b), and the responses described in Subsections
62A-16-301(2) and (4)(c) to the chairs of:
(a) the Health and Human Services Interim Committee; or
(b) if the individual who is the subject of the report was, at the time of death, a persondescribed in Subsection
62A-16-102(2)(c) or (d), the Child Welfare Legislative Oversight Panel.
(2) (a) The Health and Human Services Interim Committee may, in a closed meeting,review a report described in Subsection
(b) The Child Welfare Legislative Oversight Panel shall, in a closed meeting, review areport described in Subsection (1)(b).
(3) (a) Neither the Health and Human Services Interim Committee nor the Child WelfareLegislative Oversight Panel may interfere with, or make recommendations regarding, theresolution of a particular case.
(b) The purpose of a review described in Subsection (2) is to assist a committee or paneldescribed in Subsection (2) in determining whether to recommend a change in the law.
(c) Any recommendation, described in Subsection (3)(b), by a committee or panel for achange in the law shall be made in an open meeting.
(4) On or before September 1 of each year, the department shall provide an executivesummary of all fatality review reports for the preceding state fiscal year to:
(a) the Health and Human Services Interim Committee; and
(b) the Child Welfare Legislative Oversight Panel.
(5) The executive summary described in Subsection (4):
(a) may not include any names or identifying information; and
(b) shall include:
(i) all recommendations regarding changes to the law that were made during thepreceding fiscal year under Subsection
(ii) all changes made, or in the process of being made, to a law, rule, policy, or procedurein response to a fatality review that occurred during the preceding fiscal year;
(iii) a description of the training that has been completed in response to a fatality reviewthat occurred during the preceding fiscal year;
(iv) statistics for the preceding fiscal year regarding:
(A) the number and type of fatalities of qualified individuals that are known to thedepartment;
(B) the number of formal fatality reviews conducted;
(C) the categories, described in Subsection
62A-16-102(2) of qualified individuals whodied;
(D) the gender, age, race, and other significant categories of qualified individuals whodied; and
(E) the number of fatalities of qualified individuals known to the department that areidentified as suicides; and
(v) action taken by the Office of Licensing and the Bureau of Internal Review and Auditsin response to the fatality of a qualified individual.
Enacted by Chapter 239, 2010 General Session