63A-3-107. Travel expenses of executive branch officers and employees. (1) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, andsubject to approval by the executive director, the director of the Division of Finance shall makerules governing in-state and out-of-state travel expenses.
(2) Unless otherwise provided by statute, a travel expense rule established underSubsection (1):
(a) is applicable to an officer or employee of the executive branch, except as providedunder Subsection (2)(b);
(b) is applicable to an officer or employee of higher education, unless higher educationpays the costs of the travel expenses; and
(c) may be applicable to a government entity that is not included under Subsection (2)(a),if the government entity adopts the travel expense provisions by reference to:
(i) this section; or
(ii) the rule establishing the travel expense provisions.
(3) The Division of Finance shall make the travel expense rules on the basis of:
(a) a mileage allowance; and
(b) reimbursement for other travel expenses incurred.
(4) The travel expense rules may allow modification, when justified, to meet specialcircumstances encountered in official attendance at a conference, convention, meeting, or otherofficial business.
(5) (a) An officer or employee of the executive branch may not incur obligations fortravel outside Utah without the advance approval of the director of the Division of Finance.
(b) The director of the Division of Finance may delegate the authority to approve traveloutside the state to an executive director or a designee of the executive director of a statedepartment or agency.
(c) The approval under Subsection (5)(a) or (b), shall include a certification as to theavailability of funds.
(6) A member of a board may decline to receive travel expenses for the member'sservice.
Amended by Chapter 25, 2009 General Session