63A-3-201. Appointment of accounting and other officers and employees bydirector of the Division of Finance -- Delegation of powers and duties by director. (1) With the approval of the executive director, the director of the Division of Financeshall appoint an accounting officer and other administrative officers that are necessary toefficiently and economically perform the functions of the Division of Finance.
(2) The director of the Division of Finance may:
(a) organize the division and employ other assistants to discharge the functions of thedivision;
(b) delegate to assistants, officers, and employees any of the powers and duties of theoffice subject to his or her control and subject to any conditions he may prescribe; and
(c) delegate the powers and duties of the office only by written order filed with thelieutenant governor.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 212, 1993 General Session