63A-5-211. Planning Fund expenditures authorized -- Ceiling on expenditures --Recovery -- Permanent fund. (1) The Planning Fund shall be used to make payments for engineering, architectural, andother planning expenses necessary to make a meaningful cost estimate of any facility orimprovement with a demonstrable or immediate need.
(2) The director may make expenditures from the Planning Fund in order to provideplanning information to the State Building Board, the governor, and the Legislature, up to amaximum of $350,000 in outstanding Planning Fund commitments.
(3) (a) The director shall authorize all payments made from the Planning Fund.
(b) These payments shall be a charge on the project for which they were drawn.
(c) The amount paid shall be credited to the Planning Fund when the Legislatureappropriates money for any building project for which planning costs have previously been paidfrom the Planning Fund.
(4) (a) Money may also be expended from the Planning Fund for architectural andengineering services incident to the planning and preparation of applications for funds onconstruction financed by other than state sources, including federal grants.
(b) However, upon approval of such financing, the money spent for architectural andengineering services shall be returned as a reimbursement to the Planning Fund.
(5) This fund does not lapse to the General Fund at the end of any year but shall remainas a permanent fund.
Amended by Chapter 231, 2000 General Session