63A-5-701. State Building Energy Efficiency Program. (1) For purposes of this section:
(a) "Division" means the Division of Facilities Construction and Managementestablished in Section
(b) "Energy efficiency measures" means actions taken or initiated by a state agency thatreduce the state agency's energy use, increase the state agency's energy efficiency, reduce sourceenergy consumption, reduce water consumption, or lower the costs of energy or water to the stateagency.
(c) "Energy savings agreement" means an agreement entered into by a state agencywhereby the state agency implements energy efficiency measures and finances the costsassociated with implementation of energy efficiency measures using the stream of expectedsavings in utility costs resulting from implementation of the energy efficiency measures as thefunding source for repayment.
(d) "State agency" means each executive, legislative, and judicial branch department,agency, board, commission, or division, and includes a state institution of higher education asdefined in Section
(e) "State Building Energy Efficiency Program" means a program established under thissection for the purpose of improving energy efficiency measures and reducing the energy costsfor state facilities.
(f) (i) "State facility" means any building, structure, or other improvement that isconstructed on property owned by the state, its departments, commissions, institutions, oragencies, or a state institution of higher education.
(ii) "State facility" does not mean:
(A) an unoccupied structure that is a component of the state highway system;
(B) a privately owned structure that is located on property owned by the state, itsdepartments, commissions, institutions, or agencies, or a state institution of higher education; or
(C) a structure that is located on land administered by the School and Institutional TrustLands Administration under a lease, permit, or contract with the School and Institutional TrustLands Administration.
(2) The division shall:
(a) develop and administer the state building energy efficiency program, which shallinclude guidelines and procedures to improve energy efficiency in the maintenance andmanagement of state facilities;
(b) provide information and assistance to state agencies in their efforts to improve energyefficiency;
(c) analyze energy consumption by state agencies to identify opportunities for improvedenergy efficiency;
(d) establish an advisory group composed of representatives of state agencies to provideinformation and assistance in the development and implementation of the state building energyefficiency program; and
(e) submit to the governor and to the Capital Facilities and Administrative ServicesAppropriations Subcommittee of the Legislature an annual report that:
(i) identifies strategies for long-term improvement in energy efficiency;
(ii) identifies goals for energy conservation for the upcoming year; and
(iii) details energy management programs and strategies that were undertaken in the
previous year to improve the energy efficiency of state agencies and the energy savings achieved.
(3) Each state agency shall:
(a) designate a staff member that is responsible for coordinating energy efficiency effortswithin the agency;
(b) provide energy consumption and costs information to the division;
(c) develop strategies for improving energy efficiency and reducing energy costs; and
(d) provide the division with information regarding the agency's energy efficiency andreduction strategies.
(4) (a) A state agency may enter into an energy savings agreement for a term of up to 20years.
(b) Before entering into an energy savings agreement, the state agency shall:
(i) utilize the division to oversee the project unless the project is exempt from thedivision's oversight or the oversight is delegated to the agency under the provisions of Section63A-5-206;
(ii) obtain the prior approval of the governor or the governor's designee; and
(iii) provide the Office of Legislative Fiscal Analyst with a copy of the proposedagreement before the agency enters into the agreement.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session