63A-12-106. Certified and microphotographed copies. (1) Upon demand, the state archives shall furnish certified copies of a record in itsexclusive custody that is classified public or that is otherwise determined to be public under thischapter by the originating governmental entity, the records committee, or a court of law. Whencertified by the state archivist under the seal of the state archives, the copy has the same legalforce and effect as if certified by the originating governmental entity.
(2) The state archives may microphotograph records when it determines thatmicrophotography is an efficient and economical way to care, maintain, and preserve the record. A transcript, exemplification, or certified copy of a microphotograph has the same legal force andeffect as the original. Upon review and approval of the microphotographed film by the statearchivist, the source documents may be destroyed.
(3) The state archives may allow another governmental entity to microphotographrecords in accordance with standards set by the state archives.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session