63B-1-302. Legislative findings. The Legislature finds and declares as follows:
(1) it is the policy of this state to provide office space and related facilities for statebodies and such other governmental facilities and property, including highways and highwayrights-of-way, as may be necessary or desirable, in the most efficient and economical waypossible;
(2) many state bodies are inadequately provided with necessary office space, relatedfacilities, other governmental facilities, and property to serve the public welfare;
(3) the state is renting space for state bodies in privately owned buildings with fundswhich could more efficiently and economically be put to use toward the purchase and acquisitionof facilities by the state;
(4) in order to provide for a fully adequate supply of office space, related facilities, othergovernmental facilities, and property at the lowest possible cost, this Legislature should establisha State Building Ownership Authority for the purpose of financing, owning, leasing, operating, orencumbering such facilities to meet the needs of the state government and to serve the publicwelfare;
(5) the foregoing involve public purposes and uses for which public money may beborrowed, expended, advanced, loaned, or granted, the activities specified would serve a publicpurpose in improving or otherwise benefiting the people of this state and, therefore, this part is inthe public interest and is declared to be in the public interest as a matter of express legislativedetermination; and
(6) the compelling need within this state for the creation of an adequate supply of officespace, related facilities, other government facilities, and property for state bodies at a low costcan be best met by the establishment of a body corporate and politic vested with the powers andduties specified in this part.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 86, 2003 General Session