63B-1-318. Division duties -- Reimbursement. (1) The division shall:
(a) construct, maintain, allocate the space in, and dispose of all facilities acquired orconstructed for the authority with the proceeds of obligations of the authority; and
(b) do all things necessary to keep those facilities in good order and repair.
(2) The division may perform all of the duties established in Subsection (1) pursuant tocontracts with the authority.
(3) The division shall be reimbursed for all direct costs of maintenance by the authorityfrom funds derived from rental or lease payments.
(4) Nothing contained in this part may be construed to limit, supersede, or otherwisechange in any way the authority of the division provided in Title 63A, Chapter 5, State BuildingBoard - Division of Facilities Construction and Management.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 86, 2003 General Session