63B-1-319. Legal, accounting, and auditing services. (1) The attorney general shall provide all legal services, and the state auditor shall provideall accounting and auditing services, required by the authority, without reimbursement from thatauthority.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to attorneys' or accountants' opinions required for theissuance of any obligations.
(3) The authority may:
(a) obtain accounting and auditing services in addition to those specified in Subsections(1) and (2) from outside accountants and auditors, with the consent of the state auditor;
(b) obtain legal services in addition to those specified in Subsections (1) and (2) fromoutside attorneys, with the consent of the attorney general; and
(c) include the costs of these services:
(i) in the rentals and charges payable to it under leases or agreements between it and statebodies for the use of space in facilities; or
(ii) as a cost payable from the proceeds of the sale of obligations for which those serviceswere provided.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 86, 2003 General Session