63B-1b-201. Investment officer -- Powers and duties. (1) There is created within the Office of the State Treasurer an investment bankingofficer to advise, counsel, and render technical assistance to authorizing agencies in themanagement of state loan and grant programs.
(2) This officer shall:
(a) work cooperatively with the staff and boards of authorizing agencies as an advisor ontechnical financial aspects concerning loan and grant programs authorized by law;
(b) coordinate procedures for the closing of and assist authorizing agencies in closing allloans and grants of funds or other subsidy agreements;
(c) analyze, in conjunction with the appropriate authorizing agency, the financialfeasibility and economic and capital efficiency of projects of applicants to authorizing agenciesfor loans and grants, review financing options, and make recommendations to each authorizingagency regarding terms of loans or grants and levels of state subsidy in accordance with thefinancial feasibility of the project and the efficiency of available state capital;
(d) coordinate and consolidate, to the extent possible, all financial and legal analysis offinancing plans and closings of loans and grants made by each authorizing agency; and
(e) provide an annual report of the officer's activities to the state treasurer, the governor,the Division of Finance, and the boards of each authorizing agency.
(3) The analysis under Subsection (2)(c) shall include consideration of the followingcriteria:
(a) a demonstration of need based on the applicant's overall financial profile, includingoverlapping debt, tax levies, user rates, fees, charges, assessments, and other revenue andobligations existing within the community as a whole;
(b) the ability of the applicant to obtain financing from other, preferably private, sourceson terms and conditions reasonably affordable;
(c) the availability and advisability of financing methods such as loans, grants, interestbuy down arrangements, bond insurance, loan or bond guarantees, or any other appropriatemethod;
(d) the economic and efficiency of capital advantages enuring to the authorizing agencyif the financing plan is adopted;
(e) a demonstration of local public support for the financing plan; and
(f) availability of other funds and financing methods under law.
(4) Each authorizing agency shall consult with and cooperate with the officer and shallconsider the officer's recommendations before proceeding to fund a project, but the final decisionas to the appropriate financing plan shall rest with the board of the authorizing agency accordingto their legal authority existing at the time.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session