construct a remodel and expansion of the Shepherd Student Union Building under thesupervision of the director of the Division of Facilities Construction and Management unlesssupervisory authority is delegated by him as authorized by Section 63A-5-206.
(11) Southern Utah University may use donated funds to plan, design, and construct analumni house under the supervision of the director of the Division of Facilities Construction andManagement unless supervisory authority is delegated by him as authorized by Section63A-5-206.
(12) The College of Eastern Utah may use auxiliary revenues and other fees to:
(a) make lease or other payments;
(b) redeem revenue bonds or repay loans issued on behalf of the college; and
(c) plan, design, and construct a 200 person residence hall under the supervision of thedirector of the Division of Facilities Construction and Management unless supervisory authorityis delegated by him as authorized by Section 63A-5-206.
(13) The Sevier Valley Applied Technology Center may use private and CommunityImpact Board funds, if approved, to plan, design, and construct a performing arts/multi-usefacility under the supervision of the director of the Division of Facilities Construction andManagement unless supervisory authority is delegated by him as authorized by Section63A-5-206.
(14) Ogden City and Weber County may have offices and related space for theirattorneys included in the Ogden Courts building if the city and county are able to provide upfrontfunding to cover all costs associated with the design and construction of that space. In addition,the city and county shall cover their proportionate share of all operations and maintenance costsof their facility, including future major repairs to the building.
(15) If the Legislature authorizes the Division of Facilities Construction andManagement to enter into a lease purchase agreement for the Department of Human Servicesfacility at 1385 South State Street in Salt Lake City or for the State Board of Education facilityand adjacent space in Salt Lake City, or for both of those facilities, the State Building OwnershipAuthority, at the reasonable rates and amounts it may determine, and with technical assistancefrom the state treasurer, the director of the Division of Finance, and the director of the Governor'sOffice of Planning and Budget, may seek out the most cost effective lease purchase plansavailable to the state and may, pursuant to Title 63B, Chapter 1, Part 3, State Building OwnershipAuthority Act, certificate out interests in, or obligations of the authority pertaining to:
(a) the lease purchase obligation; or
(b) lease rental payments under the lease purchase obligation.
(16) Salt Lake Community College may use donated funds to plan, design, and constructan amphitheater under the supervision of the director of the Division of Facilities Constructionand Management unless supervisory authority is delegated by him as authorized by Section63A-5-206.
(17) For the Tax Commission building, that:
(a) All costs associated with the construction and furnishing of the Tax Commissionbuilding that are incurred before the issuance of the 1993 general obligation bonds be reimbursedby bond proceeds.
(b) The maximum amount of cost that may be reimbursed from the 1993 generalobligation bond proceeds for the Tax Commission building and furnishings may not exceed$14,230,000.
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session