63B-7-502. Other capital facility authorizations and intent language. (1) (a) It is the intent of the Legislature that if funding from General Obligation bonding isprovided for construction of new facilities, the Division of Finance shall transfer any occupyingagency funds that are currently being used for rent payments to the service fund for debt serviceon the bonds.
(b) The Division of Finance may not transfer agency funds for operation and maintenancecosts, which will continue to be incurred by the occupying agency.
(2) It is the intent of the Legislature that Utah State University use institutional funds toplan, design, and construct the American West Heritage Center under the direction of the directorof the Division of Facilities Construction and Management unless supervisory authority has beendelegated.
(3) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
(a) Utah State University allow the construction of the Poisonous Plant Laboratory onstate-owned property under the direction of the Federal Government with oversight by the directorof the Division of Facilities Construction and Management and Utah State University as may berequired; and
(b) no state funds be used for any portion of this project.
(4) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
(a) Weber State University use institutional funds to plan, design, and construct theWeight Training room addition under the direction of the director of the Division of FacilitiesConstruction and Management unless supervisory authority has been delegated; and
(b) no state funds be used for any portion of this project.
(5) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
(a) the College of Eastern Utah, San Juan campus, use institutional and other funds toplan, design, and construct the Arts and Conference Center under the direction of the director ofthe Division of Facilities Construction and Management unless supervisory authority has beendelegated; and
(b) no state funds be used for any portion of this project.
(6) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
(a) the University of Utah allow the construction of a privately owned West HealthScience Mixed Use Facility on state-owned land located at the main campus of the University,under the oversight of the director of the Division of Facilities Construction and Management; and
(b) no state funds be used for any portion of this project.
(7) It is the intent of the Legislature that the Division of Facilities Construction andManagement use up to $1,225,000 of the funds authorized for the Dead Horse Point VisitorsCenter project in Section
63B-6-102 for additional code upgrades and other critical repairs to theDead Horse Point Visitors Center in addition to the modifications needed to meet the Americanswith Disabilities Act requirements.
(8) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
(a) the Division of Facilities Construction and Management proceed with the design ofthe Physical Education Building at Southern Utah University;
(b) the design include the full project scope, excluding funds for the purchase of themiddle school;
(c) the 1999 Legislature rank the Physical Education Building at Southern UtahUniversity as the top-ranked capital facility project for full funding in the 1999 annual general
session of the Legislature; and
(d) the Division of Facilities Construction and Management proceed with the biddingprocess for construction of this project.
Amended by Chapter 9, 2001 General Session