63B-16-301. Authorizations to construct capital facilities using institutional oragency funds. (1) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
(a) Utah State University may, subject to requirements in Section
63A-5-206, plan,design, and construct a classroom building funded and owned by Tooele County on theuniversity's Tooele campus;
(b) no state funds be used for any portion of this project, including for future purchase orotherwise acquiring the building from Tooele County;
(c) the university may not request state funds for operation and maintenance costs orcapital improvements while the building is not owned by the university; and
(d) the university may request state funds for operations and maintenance costs andcapital improvements if the building is donated to the university and if the university is able todemonstrate to the Board of Regents that the facility meets approved academic and trainingpurposes under Board of Regents policy R710.
(2) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
(a) Weber State University may, subject to requirements in Section
63A-5-206, usedonations and other institutional funds to plan, design, and construct a Lifelong Learning Center;
(b) no state funds be used for any portion of this project; and
(c) the university may request state funds for operations and maintenance costs andcapital improvements to the extent that the university is able to demonstrate to the Board ofRegents that the facility meets approved academic and training purposes under Board of Regentspolicy R710.
(3) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
(a) Salt Lake Community College may, subject to requirements in Section
63A-5-206,use institutional funds to plan, design, and construct a Facilities/Security/Parking ServicesBuilding;
(b) no state funds be used for any portion of this project; and
(c) the college may request state funds for operations and maintenance costs and capitalimprovements to the extent that the college is able to demonstrate to the Board of Regents thatthe facility meets approved academic and training purposes under Board of Regents policy R710.
Enacted by Chapter 174, 2007 General Session