63B-17-401. Authorizations to acquire or exchange property. The Legislature intends that:
(1) the Division of Facilities Construction and Management, acting on behalf of theDepartment of Natural Resources, may enter into a lease purchase agreement with Uintah Countyto provide needed space for agency programs in the area;
(2) the agreement shall involve a trade at fair market value between the Division ofFacilities Construction and Management and Uintah County of the following two properties:
(a) that portion of the current Uintah County complex that is owned by the state, locatedat 147 East Main Street, Vernal, Utah, which currently houses the Department of NaturalResources and other state agencies; and
(b) a parcel of land owned by Uintah County, located at approximately 318 North VernalAvenue, Vernal, Utah, which would become the location of the needed space under the leasepurchase agreement;
(3) before entering into an agreement with Uintah County, the Division of FacilitiesConstruction and Management shall ensure that all other state agencies in the Uintah Countycomplex stay in their current location or receive adequate replacement space, with the terms ofany replacement space acceptable to each state agency;
(4) before entering into an agreement with Uintah County, the Department of NaturalResources shall obtain the approval of the State Building Board;
(5) the State Building Board may approve the agreement only if the Department ofNatural Resources demonstrates that the lease purchase will be a benefit to the state; and
(6) before entering into an agreement with Uintah County, and after obtaining theapproval of the State Building Board, the Department of Natural Resources shall report the termsof the agreement to the legislative Executive Appropriations Committee.
Enacted by Chapter 128, 2008 General Session