63B-18-302. Authorizations to lease or dispose of property. (1) The Legislature intends that:
(a) the Division of Facilities Construction and Management, acting in coordination withthe Utah State Fair Corporation, may negotiate with the Utah Transit Authority for a long-termlease of land, or a license for long-term use of land, to the Utah Transit Authority at the StateFairpark; and
(b) before entering into a contract with the Utah Transit Authority, the division shall:
(i) obtain the approval of the State Building Board; and
(ii) the State Building Board may approve the agreement only if the divisiondemonstrates that the contract terms agree with Section
63A-5-306 and will be a benefit to thestate.
(2) The Legislature intends that:
(a) the Department of Workforce Services may, in coordination with the Division ofFacilities Construction and Management, sell a Temporary Placement Office in Salt Lake City,Utah, and three vacated buildings in Logan, Utah; and
(b) sales shall be at fair market value.
Enacted by Chapter 134, 2009 General Session