63C-7-201. Establishment of the Utah Communications Agency Network. (1) There is established the Utah Communications Agency Network, formerly the UtahWireless Interagency Network, created by executive order of the governor on June 6, 1996. TheUtah Communications Agency Network shall assume the operations of the Utah WirelessInteragency Network on May 4, 1997, and shall perform the functions as provided in this chapter.
(2) The Utah Communications Agency Network is an independent state agency and not adivision within any other department of the state.
(3) The initial offices of the Utah Communications Agency Network shall be in Salt LakeCity, but branches of the office may be established in other areas of the state upon approval of theboard.
(4) (a) As soon after the effective date as possible, the state representatives shall schedulean organizational meeting date and shall give written notice of the time and location of theorganizational meeting to the governing bodies of known prospective members.
(b) At the organizational meeting:
(i) the board shall be organized as provided in Section
(ii) bylaws shall be adopted; and
(iii) the executive committee shall be established as provided in Section
Enacted by Chapter 136, 1997 General Session