63C-7-205. Executive committee established -- Terms -- Vacancies. (1) The executive committee shall consist of the following 17 individuals:
(a) 12 member representatives elected by the board at its annual meetings; and
(b) five state representatives.
(2) (a) (i) Four of the state representatives shall be appointed by the governor, with twoof the positions having an initial term of two years and two having an initial term of four years.
(ii) Successor state representatives shall each serve for a term of four years.
(b) The fifth state representative shall be the Utah State Treasurer, who shall serve exofficio, or his designee.
(c) A vacancy on the executive committee for a state representative shall be filled for theunexpired term by appointment by the governor.
(3) (a) (i) One-half of the positions for member representatives elected by the board shallhave an initial term of two years and one-half of the positions shall have an initial term of fouryears.
(ii) Successor member representatives of the executive committee shall each serve for aterm of four years, so that the term of office for six of the member representatives expires everytwo years.
(b) The member representatives of the executive committee shall be removable, with orwithout cause, by a majority vote of the board. A vacancy on the executive committee for amember representative shall be filled for the unexpired term by a majority of the remainingmember representatives of the executive committee.
(4) The executive committee shall elect annually one of its members as chair.
(5) The executive committee shall meet on an as-needed basis and as provided in thebylaws.
(6) The executive committee shall also elect a vice chair, secretary, and treasurer toperform those functions provided in the bylaws.
(a) The vice chair shall be a member of the executive committee.
(b) The secretary and treasurer need not be members of the executive committee, butshall not have voting powers if they are not members of the executive committee.
(c) The offices of chair, vice chair, secretary, and treasurer shall be held by separateindividuals.
(7) Each member representative and state representative shall have one vote, includingthe chair, at all meetings of the executive committee.
(8) Ten members of the executive committee constitute a quorum. A vote of a majorityof the quorum at any meeting of the executive committee is necessary to take action on behalf ofthe executive committee.
Amended by Chapter 34, 2009 General Session