63C-7-207. Executive director -- Powers and duties. The executive director shall:
(1) act as the executive officer of the Utah Communications Agency Network;
(2) administer the various acts, systems, plans, programs, and functions assigned to theoffice;
(3) with the approval of the executive committee, develop and promulgate administrativerules which are within the authority granted by this title for the administration of the UtahCommunications Agency Network;
(4) recommend to the executive committee any changes in the statutes affecting the UtahCommunications Agency Network;
(5) recommend to the executive committee an annual administrative budget coveringadministration, management, and operations of the communications network and, upon approvalof the executive committee, direct and control the subsequent expenditures of the budget; and
(6) within the limitations of the budget, employ staff personnel, consultants, and legalcounsel to provide professional services and advice regarding the administration of the UtahCommunications Agency Network.
Enacted by Chapter 136, 1997 General Session