63C-9-501. Soliciting donations. (1) The executive director, under the direction of the board, shall:
(a) develop plans and programs to solicit gifts, money, and items of value from privatepersons, foundations, or organizations; and
(b) actively solicit donations from those persons and entities.
(2) (a) Property provided by those entities is the property of the state and is under thecontrol of the board.
(b) Subsection (2)(a) does not apply to temporary exhibits or to the personal property ofpersons having an office in a building on capitol hill.
(3) The board shall:
(a) deposit money donated to the board into the State Capitol Fund established by thispart; and
(b) use gifts of money made to the board for the purpose specified by the grantor, if any.
Amended by Chapter 21, 1999 General Session