63C-9-502. Fund created -- Donations. (1) There is created a restricted special revenue fund entitled the "State Capitol Fund."
(2) The fund consists of money generated from the following revenue sources:
(a) any donations, deposits, contributions, gifts, money, and items of value received fromprivate persons, foundations, or organizations;
(b) gift shop profits;
(c) appropriations made to the fund by the Legislature; and
(d) money received by the board from the federal government.
(3) (a) The fund shall earn interest.
(b) All interest earned on fund money shall be deposited into the fund.
(4) The board may use fund money to:
(a) acquire historical and other items to furnish the capitol hill facilities;
(b) pay for the repair and maintenance of the capitol hill facilities and capitol hillgrounds;
(c) pay for the rehabilitation of the capitol hill facilities and capitol hill grounds; and
(d) fund all costs incurred in complying with this chapter.
Amended by Chapter 256, 2006 General Session