63C-11-305. Jurisdiction of commission. (1) (a) The commission has the sole authority concerning direction, management, control, andjurisdiction over all contests or exhibitions of unarmed combat to be conducted, held, or given withinthis state.
(b) A contest or exhibition may not be conducted, held, or given within this state except inaccordance with this chapter.
(2) Any contest involving a form of unarmed self-defense must be conducted pursuant to rulesfor that form which are approved by the commission before the contest is conducted, held, or given.
(3) (a) An area not less than six feet from the perimeter of the ring shall be reserved for the useof:
(i) the designated commission member;
(ii) other commission members in attendance;
(iii) the director;
(iv) commission employees;
(v) officials;
(vi) licensees participating or assisting in the contest; and
(vii) others granted credentials by the commission.
(b) The promoter shall provide security at the direction of the commission or designatedcommission member to secure the area described in Subsection (3)(a).
(4) The area described in Subsection (3), the area in the dressing rooms, and other areasconsidered necessary by the designated commission member for the safety and welfare of a licenseeand the public shall be reserved for the use of:
(a) the designated commission member;
(b) other commission members in attendance;
(c) the director;
(d) commission employees;
(e) officials;
(f) licensees participating or assisting in the contest; and
(g) others granted credentials by the commission.
(5) The promoter shall provide security at the direction of the commission or designatedcommission member to secure the areas described in Subsections (3) and (4).
(6) (a) The designated commission member may direct the removal from the contest venue andpremises, of any individual whose actions:
(i) are disruptive to the safe conduct of the contest; or
(ii) pose a danger to the safety and welfare of the licensees, the commission, or the public, asdetermined by the designated commission member.
(b) The promoter shall provide security at the direction of the commission or designatedcommission member to effectuate a removal under Subsection (6)(a).
Repealed and Re-enacted by Chapter 369, 2009 General Session