63C-12-103. Council creation -- Members -- Terms. (1) There is created a state advisory council known as the "Snake Valley AquiferAdvisory Council."
(2) The advisory council is composed of the following seven members:
(a) the governor or the governor's designee; and
(b) six members appointed by the governor as follows:
(i) two county commissioners, from individuals recommended by an organization thatrepresents counties in the state, who are residents of:
(A) Tooele County;
(B) Juab County;
(C) Millard County; or
(D) Beaver County;
(ii) one elected representative of Salt Lake County government, from individualsrecommended by an organization that represents counties in the state;
(iii) two residents of:
(A) Tooele County;
(B) Juab County;
(C) Millard County; or
(D) Beaver County; and
(iv) a representative of the Confederate Tribes of Goshute Reservation.
(3) A member appointed under Subsection (2)(b) is appointed to a two-year term.
(4) Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection (3), the governor shall, at the time ofappointment or reappointment, adjust the length of terms to ensure that the terms of councilmembers appointed under Subsection (2)(b) are staggered so that approximately half of thecouncil is appointed every two years.
(5) The governor shall appoint a chairperson.
(6) If a vacancy occurs in council membership for any reason the replacement shall beappointed for the unexpired term in the same manner as the vacated member was appointed.
Enacted by Chapter 262, 2009 General Session