63E-1-201. Retirement and Independent Entities Committee creation. (1) There is created the Retirement and Independent Entities Committee composed of 15legislators appointed as follows:
(a) six senators, appointed by the president of the Senate, with at least two senators fromthe minority party; and
(b) nine representatives, appointed by the speaker of the House of Representatives, withat least three representatives from the minority party.
(2) (a) The president of the Senate shall designate one of the Senate appointees as acochair of the committee.
(b) The speaker of the House of Representatives shall designate one of the House ofRepresentatives appointees as a cochair of the committee.
(3) Committee members serve for two years, but may be reappointed by the speaker orthe president.
(4) The committee shall meet at least twice each year, but may meet more frequently ifthe chairs determine that additional meetings are needed.
(5) In conducting all of its business, the committee shall comply with the rules oflegislative interim committees.
(6) The Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel shall provide staff servicesto the committee.
(7) Salaries and expenses of legislative committee members shall be paid in accordancewith:
(a) Section
36-2-2; and
(b) Legislative Joint Rule 15.03.
Amended by Chapter 5, 2007 General Session