63E-1-202. Duties of the committee. (1) The committee shall:
(a) study the scope of this title and determine what entities should be treated under thistitle as independent entities;
(b) study the provisions of the Utah Code that govern each independent entity, includingwhether or not there should be consistency in these provisions;
(c) study what provisions of the Utah Code, if any, from which each independent entityshould be exempted;
(d) study whether or not the state should receive services from or provide services to eachindependent entity;
(e) request and hear reports from each independent entity;
(f) review the annual audit of each independent entity that is performed in accordancewith the statutes governing the independent entity;
(g) comply with Part 3, Creation of Independent Entities, in reviewing a proposal tocreate a new independent entity;
(h) if the committee recommends a change in the organizational status of an independententity as provided in Subsection (2) and subject to Part 4, Privatization of Independent Entities,recommend the appropriate method of changing the organizational status of the independententity;
(i) study the following concerning an entity created by local agreement under Title 11,Chapter 13, Interlocal Cooperation Act, if the state is a party to the agreement creating the entity:
(i) whether or not the entity should be subject to this chapter;
(ii) whether or not the state should receive services from or provide services to the entity;
(iii) reporting and audit requirements for the entity; and
(iv) the need, if any, to modify statutes related to the entity;
(j) make a recommendation on the organizational status of each independent entity priorto the 2002 General Session; and
(k) report annually to the Legislative Management Committee by no later than theLegislative Management Committee's November meeting.
(2) The committee may:
(a) establish a form for any report required under Subsection (1);
(b) make recommendations to the Legislature concerning the organizational status of anindependent entity;
(c) advise the Legislature concerning issues involving independent entities; and
(d) study issues related to the implementation of Title 49, Utah State Retirement andInsurance Benefit Act.
Amended by Chapter 250, 2002 General Session