63F-1-404. Duties of the division. The division shall:
(1) develop and implement an effective enterprise architecture governance model for theexecutive branch;
(2) provide oversight of information technology projects that impact statewideinformation technology services, assets, or functions of state government to:
(a) control costs;
(b) ensure business value to a project;
(c) maximize resources;
(d) ensure the uniform application of best practices; and
(e) avoid duplication of resources;
(3) develop a method of accountability to agencies for services provided by the divisionthrough service agreements with the agencies;
(4) beginning September 1, 2006, and each September 1 thereafter, provide the chiefinformation officer and the commission with performance measures used by the division tomeasure the quality of service delivered by the division and the results of the performancemeasures;
(5) serve as a project manager for enterprise architecture which includes the managementof applications, standards, and procurement of enterprise architecture;
(6) coordinate the development and implementation of advanced statetelecommunication systems;
(7) provide services including technical assistance:
(a) to executive branch agencies and subscribers to the services; and
(b) related to information technology or telecommunications;
(8) establish telecommunication system specifications and standards for use by:
(a) one or more executive branch agencies; or
(b) one or more entities that subscribe to the telecommunication systems in accordancewith Section
(9) coordinate state telecommunication planning in cooperation with:
(a) state telecommunication users;
(b) executive branch agencies; and
(c) other subscribers to the state's telecommunication systems;
(10) cooperate with the federal government, other state entities, counties, andmunicipalities in the development, implementation, and maintenance of:
(a) (i) governmental information technology; or
(ii) governmental telecommunication systems; and
(b) (i) as part of a cooperative organization; or
(ii) through means other than a cooperative organization;
(11) establish, operate, manage, and maintain:
(a) one or more state data centers; and
(b) one or more regional computer centers;
(12) design, implement, and manage all state-owned, leased, or rented land, mobile, orradio telecommunication systems that are used in the delivery of services for state government orits political subdivisions;
(13) in accordance with the executive branch strategic plan, implement minimum
standards to be used by the division for purposes of compatibility of procedures, programminglanguages, codes, and media that facilitate the exchange of information within and amongtelecommunication systems; and
(14) provide the chief information officer with an analysis of an executive branch agencyinformation technology plan that includes:
(a) an assessment of how the implementation of the agency information technology planwill affect the costs, operations, and services of:
(i) the department; and
(ii) other executive branch agencies; and
(b) any recommended changes to the plan.
Enacted by Chapter 169, 2005 General Session