63F-1-802. Duties and powers. (1) The Statewide Communications Interoperability Committee shall:
(a) promote wireless technology information and interoperability among local, state,federal, and other agencies;
(b) provide a mechanism for coordinating and resolving wireless communication issuesamong local, state, federal, and other agencies;
(c) coordinate statewide efforts for implementation of interoperable statewide voice anddata networks;
(d) improve data and information sharing and coordination of multi-jurisdictionalresponses;
(e) leverage existing state resources and develop a network that will provide seamless,coordinated, and integrated communication for local, state, federal, and other agencies;
(f) identify opportunities to consolidate infrastructures and technologies;
(g) evaluate current technologies and determine if they are meeting the needs of agencypersonnel in respective service areas;
(h) develop and recommend short- and long-term proposals for future communicationneeds;
(i) form memorandums of understanding between agencies in support of proactiveplanning efforts;
(j) create and maintain procedures for requesting interoperability channels; and
(k) administer the interoperability spectrum.
(2) (a) The committee shall prepare and present, by November 30 of each year, a briefannual report for the governor and the Public Utilities and Technology Interim Committee.
(b) The annual report described in Subsection (2)(a) shall include:
(i) the status of state radio communications infrastructure;
(ii) recommendations to facilitate radio communications in the future; and
(iii) an update on the committee's progress to meet the Federal CommunicationsCommission radio communication requirements.
Enacted by Chapter 195, 2009 General Session