63G-1-501. State flag. The state flag of Utah shall be a flag of blue field, fringed, with gold borders, with thefollowing device worked in natural colors on the center of the blue field:
The center a shield; above the shield and thereon an American eagle with outstretchedwings; the top of the shield pierced with six arrows arranged crosswise; upon the shield under thearrows the word "Industry," and below the word "Industry" on the center of the shield, a beehive;on each side of the beehive, growing sego lilies; below the beehive and near the bottom of theshield, the word "Utah," and below the word "Utah" and on the bottom of the shield, the figures"1847"; with the appearance of being back of the shield there shall be two American flags onflagstaffs placed crosswise with the flag so draped that they will project beyond each side of theshield, the heads of the flagstaffs appearing in front of the eagle's wings and the bottom of eachstaff appearing over the face of the draped flag below the shield; below the shield and flags andupon the blue field, the figures "1896"; around the entire design, a narrow circle in gold.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session