provider, the originating governmental entity shall:
(a) inform the recipient of the record's classification and the accompanying restrictionson access; and
(b) if the recipient is not a governmental entity to which this chapter applies, obtain therecipient's written agreement which may be by mechanical or electronic transmission that it willabide by those restrictions on access unless a statute, federal regulation, or interstate agreementotherwise governs the sharing of the record or record series.
(5) A governmental entity may disclose a record to another state, the United States, or aforeign government for the reasons listed in Subsections (1) and (2) without complying with theprocedures of Subsection (2) or (4) if disclosure is authorized by executive agreement, treaty,federal statute, compact, federal regulation, or state statute.
(6) (a) Subject to Subsections (6)(b) and (c), an entity receiving a record under thissection is subject to the same restrictions on disclosure of the record as the originating entity.
(b) A contractor or a private provider may receive information under this section only if:
(i) the contractor or private provider's use of the record or record series produces a publicbenefit that outweighs the individual privacy right that protects the record or record series;
(ii) the record or record series it requests:
(A) is necessary for the performance of a contract with a governmental entity;
(B) will only be used for the performance of the contract with the governmental entity;
(C) will not be disclosed to any other person; and
(D) will not be used for advertising or solicitation purposes; and
(iii) the contractor or private provider gives written assurance to the governmental entitythat is providing the record or record series that it will adhere to the restrictions of thisSubsection (6)(b).
(c) The classification of a record already held by a governmental entity and the applicablerestrictions on disclosure of that record are not affected by the governmental entity's receiptunder this section of a record with a different classification that contains information that is alsoincluded in the previously held record.
(7) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, if a more specific court rule ororder, state statute, federal statute, or federal regulation prohibits or requires sharing information,that rule, order, statute, or federal regulation controls.
(8) The following records may not be shared under this section:
(a) records held by the Division of Oil, Gas, and Mining that pertain to any person andthat are gathered under authority of Title 40, Chapter 6, Board and Division of Oil, Gas, andMining; and
(b) records of publicly funded libraries as described in Subsection 63G-2-302(1)(c).
(9) Records that may evidence or relate to a violation of law may be disclosed to agovernment prosecutor, peace officer, or auditor.
Amended by Chapter 344, 2009 General Session