63G-2-303. Private information concerning certain government employees. (1) As used in this section:
(a) "At-risk government employee" means a current or former:
(i) peace officer as specified in Section
(ii) supreme court justice;
(iii) judge of an appellate, district, or juvenile court;
(iv) justice court judge;
(v) judge authorized by Title 39, Chapter 6, Utah Code of Military Justice;
(vi) federal judge;
(vii) federal magistrate judge;
(viii) judge authorized by Armed Forces, Title 10, United States Code;
(ix) United States Attorney;
(x) Assistant United States Attorney;
(xi) a prosecutor appointed pursuant to Armed Forces, Title 10, United States Code;
(xii) a law enforcement official as defined in Section
53-5-711; or
(xiii) a prosecutor authorized by Title 39, Chapter 6, Utah Code of Military Justice.
(b) "Family member" means the spouse, child, sibling, parent, or grandparent of anat-risk government employee who is living with the employee.
(2) (a) Pursuant to Subsection
63G-2-302(1)(g), an at-risk government employee may filea written application that:
(i) gives notice of the employee's status to each agency of a government entity holding arecord or a part of a record that would disclose the employee's or the employee's family member'shome address, home telephone number, Social Security number, insurance coverage, maritalstatus, or payroll deductions; and
(ii) requests that the government agency classify those records or parts of records private.
(b) An at-risk government employee desiring to file an application under this section mayrequest assistance from the government agency to identify the individual records containing theprivate information specified in Subsection (2)(a)(i).
(c) Each government agency shall develop a form that:
(i) requires the at-risk government employee to provide evidence of qualifyingemployment;
(ii) requires the at-risk government employee to designate each specific record or part ofa record containing the employee's home address, home telephone number, Social Securitynumber, insurance coverage, marital status, or payroll deductions that the applicant desires to beclassified as private; and
(iii) affirmatively requests that the government entity holding those records classify themas private.
(3) A county recorder, county treasurer, county auditor, or a county tax assessor mayfully satisfy the requirements of this section by:
(a) providing a method for the assessment roll and index and the tax roll and index thatwill block public access to the home address, home telephone number, situs address, and SocialSecurity number; and
(b) providing the at-risk government employee requesting the classification with adisclaimer informing the employee that the employee may not receive official announcementsaffecting the employee's property, including notices about proposed annexations, incorporations,
or zoning modifications.
(4) A government agency holding records of an at-risk government employee classifiedas private under this section may release the record or part of the record if:
(a) the employee or former employee gives written consent;
(b) a court orders release of the records; or
(c) the government agency receives a certified death certificate for the employee orformer employee.
(5) (a) If the government agency holding the private record receives a subpoena for therecords, the government agency shall attempt to notify the at-risk government employee orformer employee by mailing a copy of the subpoena to the employee's last-known mailingaddress together with a request that the employee either:
(i) authorize release of the record; or
(ii) within 10 days of the date that the copy and request are mailed, deliver to thegovernment agency holding the private record a copy of a motion to quash filed with the courtwho issued the subpoena.
(b) The government agency shall comply with the subpoena if the government agencyhas:
(i) received permission from the at-risk government employee or former employee tocomply with the subpoena;
(ii) has not received a copy of a motion to quash within 10 days of the date that the copyof the subpoena was mailed; or
(iii) receives a court order requiring release of the records.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session