63G-2-603. Requests to amend a record -- Appeals. (1) Proceedings of state agencies under this section shall be governed by Title 63G,Chapter 4, Administrative Procedures Act.
(2) (a) Subject to Subsection (8), an individual may contest the accuracy or completenessof any public, or private, or protected record concerning him by requesting the governmentalentity to amend the record. However, this section does not affect the right of access to private orprotected records.
(b) The request shall contain the following information:
(i) the requester's name, mailing address, and daytime telephone number; and
(ii) a brief statement explaining why the governmental entity should amend the record.
(3) The governmental entity shall issue an order either approving or denying the requestto amend as provided in Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative Procedures Act, or, if the act doesnot apply, no later than 30 days after receipt of the request.
(4) If the governmental entity approves the request, it shall correct all of its records thatcontain the same incorrect information as soon as practical. A governmental entity may notdisclose the record until it has amended it.
(5) If the governmental entity denies the request, it shall:
(a) inform the requester in writing; and
(b) provide a brief statement giving its reasons for denying the request.
(6) (a) If a governmental entity denies a request to amend a record, the requester maysubmit a written statement contesting the information in the record.
(b) The governmental entity shall:
(i) file the requester's statement with the disputed record if the record is in a form suchthat the statement can accompany the record or make the statement accessible if the record is notin a form such that the statement can accompany the record; and
(ii) disclose the requester's statement along with the information in the record wheneverthe governmental entity discloses the disputed information.
(7) The requester may appeal the denial of the request to amend a record pursuant to theAdministrative Procedures Act or, if that act does not apply, to district court.
(8) This section does not apply to records relating to title to real or personal property,medical records, judicial case files, or any other records that the governmental entity determinesmust be maintained in their original form to protect the public interest and to preserve theintegrity of the record system.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session