63G-2-604. Retention and disposition of records. (1) (a) Except for a governmental entity that is permitted to maintain its own retentionschedules under Part 7, Applicability to Political Subdivisions, the Judiciary, and the Legislature,each governmental entity shall file with the State Records Committee a proposed schedule for theretention and disposition of each type of material that is defined as a record under this chapter.
(b) After a retention schedule is reviewed and approved by the State Records Committeeunder Subsection
63G-2-502(1)(b), the governmental entity shall maintain and destroy records inaccordance with the retention schedule.
(c) If a governmental entity subject to the provisions of this section has not received anapproved retention schedule for a specific type of material that is classified as a record under thischapter, the model retention schedule maintained by the state archivist shall govern the retentionand destruction of that type of material.
(2) A retention schedule that is filed with or approved by the State Records Committeeunder the requirements of this section is a public record.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session