63G-2-702. Applicability to the judiciary. (1) The judiciary is subject to the provisions of this chapter except as provided in thissection.
(2) (a) The judiciary is not subject to Part 4, Appeals, except as provided in Subsection(5).
(b) The judiciary is not subject to Parts 5, State Records Committee, and 6, Collection ofInformation and Accuracy of Records.
(c) The judiciary is subject to only the following sections in Part 9, Archives and RecordsService: Sections
63A-12-105 and
(3) The Judicial Council, the Administrative Office of the Courts, the courts, and otheradministrative units in the judicial branch shall designate and classify their records in accordancewith Sections
63G-2-301 through
(4) Substantially consistent with the provisions of this chapter, the Judicial Council shall:
(a) make rules governing requests for access, fees, classification, designation,segregation, management, retention, denials and appeals of requests for access and retention, andamendment of judicial records;
(b) establish an appellate board to handle appeals from denials of requests for access andprovide that a requester who is denied access by the appellate board may file a lawsuit in districtcourt; and
(c) provide standards for the management and retention of judicial records substantiallyconsistent with Section
(5) Rules governing appeals from denials of requests for access shall substantiallycomply with the time limits provided in Section
63G-2-204 and Part 4, Appeals.
(6) Upon request, the state archivist shall:
(a) assist with and advise concerning the establishment of a records managementprogram in the judicial branch; and
(b) as required by the judiciary, provide program services similar to those available to theexecutive and legislative branches of government as provided in this chapter and Title 63A,Chapter 12, Part 1, Archives and Records Service.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session