recycling, except under Subsection (7)(b). The chief procurement officer shall maintain anupdated list of which papers are recyclable.
(b) If the state agency conducts an evaluation under Subsection (8) and determines thecost of recycling a certain type of recyclable paper is more than 10% greater than the cost of thecurrent disposal method, the entity is exempt from the requirements of Subsection (7)(a)regarding that type of paper.
(8) A state agency's evaluation shall:
(a) determine the types and quantities of recyclable paper in the state agency's currentwaste stream;
(b) determine the market value of the recyclable paper;
(c) determine and describe the alternatives for separating recyclable paper from the wastestream;
(d) for each type of paper and for each method of separation, determine the cost ofseparating and collecting the recyclable paper for recycling;
(e) determine the cost of the current disposal method for each type of recyclable paper;
(f) for each type of paper, compare the cost of the current disposal method with the costof separating and collecting the paper for recycling; and
(g) determine the cost of producing the report required under Subsection (13)(b).
(9) Each evaluation conducted under Subsection (8) shall:
(a) be in writing;
(b) justify all estimates;
(c) be retained by the state agency;
(d) be accessible to the public for review; and
(e) be submitted to the chief procurement officer.
(10) Each state agency conducting an evaluation shall revise the evaluation as necessary,at least every 30 months.
(11) A state agency that is required to separate paper for recycling shall:
(a) designate an existing employee as a recycling coordinator to organize and coordinatethe state agency's recycling program;
(b) establish procedures for separating each type of paper required to be separated forrecycling;
(c) establish a system for separating and collecting each type of paper to be recycled,which assures the recyclable paper is sold to appropriate industries for reuse or recycling; and
(d) make participation in the recycling program as easy as practicable for state agencypersonnel by establishing clear policies.
(12) The money received from the sale of recyclable paper shall be retained by theagency for:
(a) reimbursement to the state agency for program administration costs incurred as aresult of recycling, if any; and
(b) funding recycling incentives programs.
(13) (a) The recycling coordinator designated in Subsection (11) shall keep records of:
(i) the quantity of paper recycled by the state agency;
(ii) the costs incurred by the state agency in recycling paper; and
(iii) the money received from the sale of recyclable paper.
(b) Each recycling coordinator shall provide a written report of the state agency's
recycling activities including the information required under Subsection (13)(a) beforeSeptember 30 of each year to the chief procurement officer.
(14) The chief procurement officer shall provide a written report of the informationreceived under Subsection (13) to the Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment InterimCommittee prior to November 30 of each year.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session