63G-6-502. Procurement of design-build transportation project contracts. (1) As used in this section:
(a) "Design-build transportation project contract" means the procurement of both thedesign and construction of a transportation project in a single contract with a company orcombination of companies capable of providing the necessary engineering services andconstruction.
(b) "Transportation agency" means:
(i) the Department of Transportation;
(ii) a county of the first or second class, as defined in Section
(iii) a municipality of the first class, as defined in Section
(iv) a public transit district that has more than 200,000 people residing within itsboundaries; and
(v) a public airport authority.
(2) Except as provided in Subsection (3), a transportation agency may award adesign-build transportation project contract for any transportation project that has an estimatedcost of at least $50,000,000 by following the requirements of this section.
(3) (a) The Department of Transportation:
(i) may award a design-build transportation project contract for any transportation projectby following the requirements of this section; and
(ii) shall make rules, by following the procedures and requirements of Title 63G, Chapter3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, establishing requirements for the procurement of itsdesign-build transportation project contracts in addition to those required by this section.
(b) A public transit district that has more than 200,000 people residing within itsboundaries:
(i) may award a design-build transportation project contract for any transportation projectby following the requirements of this section; and
(ii) shall pass ordinances or a resolution establishing requirements for the procurement ofits design-build transportation project contracts in addition to those required by this section.
(c) A design-build transportation project contract authorized under this Subsection (3) isnot subject to the estimated cost threshold under Subsection (2).
(4) (a) Before entering a design-build transportation project contract, a transportationagency may issue a request for qualifications to prequalify potential contractors.
(b) Public notice of the request for qualifications shall be given in accordance with policyboard rules.
(c) A transportation agency shall require, as part of the qualifications specified in therequest for qualifications, that potential contractors at least demonstrate their:
(i) construction experience;
(ii) design experience;
(iii) financial, manpower, and equipment resources available for the project; and
(iv) experience in other design-build transportation projects with attributes similar to theproject being procured.
(d) The request for qualifications shall identify the number of eligible competingproposers that the transportation agency will select to submit a proposal, which must be at leasttwo.
(5) (a) The transportation agency shall:
(i) evaluate the responses received from the request for qualifications;
(ii) select from their number those qualified to submit proposals; and
(iii) invite those respondents to submit proposals based upon the transportation agency'srequest for proposals.
(b) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (5)(b)(ii), if the transportation agency fails toreceive at least two qualified eligible competing proposers, the transportation agency shallreadvertise the project.
(ii) A transportation agency may award a contract for a transportation project that has anestimated cost of $5,000,000 or less to a qualified eligible proposer if:
(A) only a single proposal is received; and
(B) the transportation agency determines that:
(I) the proposal is advantageous to the state; and
(II) the proposal price is reasonable.
(6) The transportation agency shall issue a request for proposals to those qualifiedrespondents that:
(a) includes a scope of work statement constituting an information for proposal that mayinclude:
(i) preliminary design concepts;
(ii) design criteria, needs, and objectives;
(iii) warranty and quality control requirements;
(iv) applicable standards;
(v) environmental documents;
(vi) constraints;
(vii) time expectations or limitations;
(viii) incentives or disincentives; and
(ix) other special considerations;
(b) requires submitters to provide:
(i) a sealed cost proposal;
(ii) a critical path matrix schedule, including cash flow requirements;
(iii) proposal security; and
(iv) other items required by the department for the project; and
(c) may include award of a stipulated fee to be paid to submitters who submitunsuccessful proposals.
(7) The transportation agency shall:
(a) evaluate the submissions received in response to the request for proposals from theprequalified proposers;
(b) comply with rules relating to discussion of proposals, best and final offers, andevaluations of the proposals submitted; and
(c) after considering price and other identified factors, award the contract to theresponsible proposer whose proposal is most advantageous to the state.
Amended by Chapter 358, 2010 General Session