63G-6-702. Selection committee for architect-engineer services. In the procurement of architect-engineer services, the chief procurement officer or thehead of a purchasing agency shall encourage firms engaged in the lawful practice of theirprofession to submit annually a statement of qualifications and performance data. The BuildingBoard shall be the selection committee for architect-engineer services contracts under itsauthority. Selection committees for architect-engineer services contracts not under the authorityof the Building Board shall be established in accordance with rules and regulations promulgatedby the policy board. Selection committees shall evaluate current statements of qualifications andperformance data on file with the state, together with those that may be submitted by other firmsin response to the announcement of the proposed contract. Selection committees shall considerno less than three firms and then shall select therefrom, based upon criteria established andpublished by the selection committees, no less than three of the firms considered to be the mosthighly qualified to provide the services required.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session