63G-6-704. Determination of compensation for architect-engineer services. The procurement officer shall award a contract to a qualified firm at compensation whichthe procurement officer determines in writing to be fair and reasonable to the state. In makingthis decision, the procurement officer shall take into account the estimated value, the scope, andcomplexity, and the professional nature of the services to be rendered. Should the procurementofficer be unable to agree to a satisfactory contract with the firm first selected, at a price theprocurement officer determines to be fair and reasonable to the state, discussions with that firmshall be formally terminated. The procurement officer shall then undertake discussions with asecond qualified firm. Failing accord with the second firm, the procurement officer shallformally terminate discussions. The procurement officer shall then undertake discussions with athird qualified firm. Should the procurement officer be unable to award a contract at a fair andreasonable price with any of the selected firms, the procurement officer shall select additionalfirms, and the procurement officer shall continue discussions in accordance with this part until anagreement is reached.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session