63G-6-815. Jurisdiction of district court. (1) The district court shall have jurisdiction over an action, whether the action is at lawor in equity, between the state and:
(a) a bidder, offeror, or contractor, prospective or actual, who is aggrieved in connectionwith the solicitation or award of a contract;
(b) a person who is subject to a suspension or debarment proceeding; and
(c) a contractor, for any cause of action which arises under, or by virtue of a contract.
(2) The provisions of Title 63G, Chapter 7, Part 4, Notice of Claim Against aGovernmental Entity or a Government Employee, and Section
63G-7-601 do not apply to actionsbrought under this chapter by an aggrieved party for equitable relief or reasonable costs incurredin preparing or appealing an unsuccessful bid or offer.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session