63G-6-902. Services between public procurement units. (1) Upon request, any public procurement unit may make available to other publicprocurement units the following services, among others: standard forms; printed manuals;qualified products lists; source information; common use commodities listings; supplierprequalification information; supplier performance ratings; debarred and suspended bidders lists;forms for invitation for bids, requests for proposals, instructions to bidders, general contractprovisions, and other contract forms; and contracts or published summaries thereof, includingprice and time of delivery information.
(2) Any public procurement unit may provide the following technical services, amongothers, to other public procurement units; development of specifications; development of qualityassurance test methods, including receiving, inspection, and acceptance procedures; use of testingand inspection facilities; and use of personnel training programs.
(3) Public procurement units may enter into contractual arrangements and publish aschedule of fees for the services provided under Subsections (1) and (2).
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session