63G-7-602. Compromise and settlement of claims. (1) A political subdivision, after conferring with its legal officer or other legal counsel ifit does not have a legal officer, may compromise and settle any action as to the damages or otherrelief sought.
(2) The risk manager in the Department of Administrative Services may compromise andsettle any action against the state for which the Risk Management Fund may be liable:
(a) on the risk manager's own authority, if the amount of the settlement is $25,000 orless;
(b) with the concurrence of the attorney general or the attorney general's representativeand the executive director of the Department of Administrative Services if the amount of thesettlement is $25,000.01 to $100,000; or
(c) by complying with the procedures and requirements of Title 63G, Chapter 10, StateSettlement Agreements, if the amount of the settlement is more than $100,000.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session