63G-7-805. Liability insurance -- Insurance for employees authorized -- No right toindemnification or contribution from governmental agency. (1) (a) A governmental entity may insure any or all of its employees against liability, inwhole or in part, for injury or damage resulting from an act or omission occurring during theperformance of an employee's duties, within the scope of employment, or under color ofauthority, regardless of whether or not that entity is immune from suit for that act or omission.
(b) Any expenditure for that insurance is for a public purpose.
(c) Under any contract or policy of insurance providing coverage on behalf of agovernmental entity or employee for any liability defined by this section, regardless of the sourceof funding for the coverage, the insurer has no right to indemnification or contribution from thegovernmental entity or its employee for any loss or liability covered by the contract or policy.
(2) Any surety covering a governmental entity or its employee under any faithfulperformance surety bond has no right to indemnification or contribution from the governmentalentity or its employee for any loss covered by that bond based on any act or omission for whichthe governmental entity would be obligated to defend or indemnify under the provisions ofSection
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session