area plan where the development project set forth in the project area plan or draft project areaplan takes place or is proposed to take place.
(13) "Project area budget" means a multiyear projection of annual or cumulativerevenues and expenses and other fiscal matters pertaining to a project area that includes:
(a) the base taxable value of property in the project area;
(b) the projected tax increment expected to be generated within the project area;
(c) the amount of tax increment expected to be shared with other taxing entities;
(d) the amount of tax increment expected to be used to implement the project area plan,including the estimated amount of tax increment to be used for land acquisition, publicimprovements, infrastructure improvements, and loans, grants, or other incentives to private andpublic entities;
(e) the tax increment expected to be used to cover the cost of administering the projectarea plan;
(f) if tax increment is to be collected at different times or from different portions of theproject area, or both:
(i) (A) the tax identification numbers of the parcels from which tax increment will becollected; or
(B) a legal description of the portion of the project area from which tax increment will becollected; and
(ii) an estimate of when other portions of the project area will become subject to taxincrement collection; and
(g) for property that the authority owns or leases and expects to sell or sublease, theexpected total cost of the property to the authority and the expected selling price or leasepayments.
(14) "Project area plan" means a written plan that, after its effective date, guides andcontrols the development within a project area.
(15) "Property tax" includes privilege tax and each levy on an ad valorem basis ontangible or intangible personal or real property.
(16) "Public entity" means:
(a) the state, including any of its departments or agencies; or
(b) a political subdivision of the state, including a county, city, town, school district,local district, special service district, or interlocal cooperation entity.
(17) "Publicly owned infrastructure and improvements" means water, sewer, stormdrainage, electrical, telecommunications, and other similar systems and lines, streets, roads, curb,gutter, sidewalk, walkways, parking facilities, public transportation facilities, and otherbuildings, facilities, infrastructure, and improvements that:
(a) benefit the public; and
(b) are:
(i) publicly owned or owned by a utility; or
(ii) publicly owned or publicly maintained or operated by the authority or another publicentity.
(18) "Remaining municipal services revenue" means municipal services revenue that theauthority has not spent during its fiscal year for municipal services as provided in Subsection63H-1-503(1).
(19) "Resort communities tax" means a sales and use tax imposed under Section
(20) "Supplemental tax increment" means tax increment remaining after the authority ispaid the tax increment it is entitled to receive under Subsection 63H-1-501(1).
(21) "Taxable value" means the value of property as shown on the last equalizedassessment roll as certified by the county assessor.
(22) "Tax increment" means the difference between:
(a) the amount of property tax revenues generated each tax year by all taxing entitiesfrom the area within a project area designated in the project area plan as the area from which taxincrement is to be collected, using the current assessed value of the property; and
(b) the amount of property tax revenues that would be generated from that same areausing the base taxable value of the property.
(23) "Taxing entity" means a public entity that levies a tax on property within a projectarea.
(24) "Telecommunications tax" means a telecommunications license tax under Title 10,Chapter 1, Part 4, Municipal Telecommunications License Tax Act.
(25) "Transient room tax" means a tax under Section 59-12-352.
Amended by Chapter 9, 2010 General Session