63H-2-201. Creation of Utah Generated Renewable Energy Electricity NetworkAuthority. (1) There is created an independent state agency known as the "Utah GeneratedRenewable Energy Electricity Network Authority."
(2) Subject to Section
63H-2-203, the authority may:
(a) sue and be sued;
(b) enter into contracts generally;
(c) (i) accept financial or other assistance from a public or private source for theauthority's activities, powers, and duties; and
(ii) expend money received under Subsection (2)(c)(i) for a qualifying transmissionproject;
(d) (i) for the purpose of studying a qualifying transmission project, borrow money oraccept financial or other assistance from:
(A) a public entity; or
(B) any other source; and
(ii) comply with a condition of a loan or assistance described in Subsection (2)(d)(i);
(e) in accordance with Part 4, Bonding, issue one or more bonds to finance a qualifyingtransmission project;
(f) hire one or more employees, including:
(i) a contract employee; and
(ii) legal counsel;
(g) enter into a partnership agreement with a business entity related to a qualifyingtransmission project;
(h) enter into an agreement with a public entity related to a qualifying transmissionproject;
(i) if none of the authority's net earnings inure to the benefit of a private entity, usemoney available to the authority:
(i) for administrative, overhead, legal, or other operating expenses of the authority; and
(ii) to pay the principal and interest on an authority bond;
(j) create one or more subsidiaries to engage in an activity that the authority may engagein under this chapter;
(k) transact other business related to a qualifying transmission project;
(l) acquire, own, lease, or sell real property or personal property related to a qualifyingtransmission project; or
(m) exercise a power provided for in this chapter.
(3) Unless expressly provided in this chapter, the state is not liable for an obligation,expense, debt, or liability of the authority.
Enacted by Chapter 378, 2009 General Session