63I-1-102. Agency defined -- Periodic termination of statutes and agencies --Legislative review. (1) As used in this chapter, "agency" means any state authority, board, commission,department, division, office, or other agency, and the statute that established it.
(2) The Legislature finds that the state should not regulate any area unless the regulationis necessary to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public.
(3) In order to make state government more productive and responsive to the people, it isnecessary to place many of the statutes and agencies of state government under Part 2 of thischapter on a reauthorization schedule. Any statute or agency scheduled for termination underthis chapter is terminated unless the Legislature through affirmative act reauthorizes its existence. The continued existence of a statute or agency subject to this chapter may not be reauthorized fora period of more than 10 years.
(4) It is the purpose of this chapter to terminate any statute or agency that is not meetinga clear public purpose, and to improve the ability of state government to meet and fulfilllegitimate public purposes.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session