63I-3-203. Duties. (1) Subject to Subsection (2), the Utah Constitutional Revision Commission shall:
(a) conduct a comprehensive examination of the Utah Constitution, as amended, andmake recommendations to the governor and the Legislature as to specific proposed constitutionalamendments to implement the commission's recommendations for changes in the constitution;and
(b) upon request of the governor, president of the Senate, speaker of the House ofRepresentatives, minority leader of the Senate, minority leader of the House, or the legislativesponsor of a resolution to amend the Utah Constitution, advise the governor and the Legislatureon any proposed constitutional amendment or revision.
(2) The commission may not make a recommendation on a proposed constitutionalamendment after both houses of the Legislature have taken final action on it, unless requested todo so by the governor, the president of the Senate, or the speaker of the House ofRepresentatives.
(3) The commission shall select a chair and a vice chair from among its members.
Amended by Chapter 25, 2010 General Session