63J-1-603. Nonlapsing authority. (1) As used in this section:
(a) (i) "Agency" means each department, commission, board, council, agency, institution,officer, corporation, fund, division, office, committee, authority, laboratory, library, unit, bureau,panel, or other administrative unit of the state.
(ii) "Agency" does not include those entities whose unappropriated and unencumberedbalances are made nonlapsing by the operation of Subsection
(b) "Appropriation balance" means the unexpended and unencumbered balance of a lineitem appropriation made by the Legislature to an agency that exists at the end of a fiscal year.
(c) "Nonlapsing" means that an agency's appropriation balance is not closed out to theappropriate fund at the end of a fiscal year as required by Section
(d) "One-time project" means a project or program that can be completed with theappropriation balance and includes such items as employee incentive awards and bonuses,purchase of equipment, and one-time training.
(e) "One-time projects list" means:
(i) a prioritized list of one-time projects, upon which an agency would like to spend anyappropriation balance; and
(ii) for each project, the maximum amount the agency is estimating for the project.
(f) "Program" means a service provided by an agency to members of the public, otheragencies, or to employees of the agency.
(2) Notwithstanding the requirements of Section
63J-1-601, an agency may, by followingthe procedures and requirements of this section, retain and expend any appropriation balance.
(3) (a) Each agency that wishes to preserve any part or all of its appropriation balance asnonlapsing shall include a one-time projects list as part of the budget request that it submits tothe governor and the Legislature at the annual general session of the Legislature immediatelybefore the end of the fiscal year in which the agency may have an appropriation balance.
(b) An agency may not include a proposed expenditure on its one-time projects list if:
(i) the expenditure creates a new program;
(ii) the expenditure enhances the level of an existing program; or
(iii) the expenditure will require a legislative appropriation in the next fiscal year.
(c) The governor:
(i) may approve some or all of the items from an agency's one-time projects list; and
(ii) shall identify and prioritize any approved one-time projects in the budget that thegovernor submits to the Legislature.
(4) The Legislature:
(a) may approve some or all of the specific items from an agency's one-time projects listas authorized expenditures of an agency's appropriation balance;
(b) shall identify any authorized one-time projects in the appropriate line itemappropriation; and
(c) may prioritize one-time projects in intent language.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 183, 2009 General Session