63J-1-702. Purpose of review -- Information submitted. The purpose of an in-depth budget review is to determine whether each department,agency, institution, or program warrants continuation of its current level of expenditure or at adifferent level, or if it should be terminated. The budget for a state department, agency,institution, or program subject to an in-depth budget review shall be a detailed plan in whichprograms and activities within programs are organized and budgeted after analysis and evaluationare made of all proposed expenditures. In the presentation of the budget of a department, agency,institution, or program subject to in-depth budget review, the governor shall include thefollowing:
(1) a statement of agency and program objectives, effectiveness measures, and programsize indicators;
(2) alternative funding levels for each program with effectiveness measures and programsize indicators detailed for each alternative funding level. Alternative funding levels shall bedetermined as percentages of the appropriations level authorized by the Legislature for thecurrent fiscal year. The percentages shall be determined for each in-depth budget review by thedirector of the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget in consultation with the legislativefiscal analyst;
(3) a priority ranking of all programs and activities in successively increasing levels ofperformance and funding;
(4) other budgetary information requested by the legislative fiscal analyst; and
(5) a statement containing further recommendations of the governor as appropriate.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 183, 2009 General Session