63J-3-205. Monies excluded from the limitation. Monies from the following sources are excluded from the revenues appropriated and usedin determining a limitation:
(1) monies received from the government of the United States including federal minerallease payments;
(2) monies received by the state from another unit of government, except the proceeds oftaxes, fees, or penalties imposed by the state and collected by the other unit of government;
(3) monies derived from the issuance of, or to pay interest, principal, or redemptionpremiums on, any security;
(4) monies received from the sale of fixed assets or gains on fixed asset transfers;
(5) the proceeds of contracts, grants, gifts, donations, and bequests made to the state for apurpose specified by the contractor or donor;
(6) user charges derived by the state from the sale of a product or service pledged orlegally available to repay any security or for which the quantity of the product or level of serviceprovided to a user is at the discretion of the user; and
(7) monies raised to meet fiscal emergencies.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session