63J-4-301. Budget duties of the director and office. (1) The director and the office shall:
(a) comply with the procedures and requirements of Title 63J, Chapter 1, BudgetaryProcedures Act;
(b) under the direct supervision of the governor, assist the governor in the preparation ofthe governor's budget recommendations;
(c) advise the governor with regard to approval or revision of agency work programs asspecified in Section
63J-1-209; and
(d) perform other duties and responsibilities as assigned by the governor.
(2) (a) The director of the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget or the director'sdesignee is the Federal Assistance Management Officer.
(b) In acting as the Federal Assistance Management Officer, the director or designeeshall:
(i) study the administration and effect of federal assistance programs in the state andadvise the governor and the Legislature, through the Office of Legislative Fiscal Analyst and theExecutive Appropriations Committee, of alternative recommended methods and procedures forthe administration of these programs;
(ii) assist in the coordination of federal assistance programs that involve or areadministered by more than one state agency; and
(iii) analyze and advise on applications for new federal assistance programs submitted tothe governor for approval as required by Chapter 5, Federal Funds Procedures.
Amended by Chapter 183, 2009 General Session