63J-4-502. Membership -- Terms -- Chair -- Expenses. (1) The Resource Development Coordinating Committee shall consist of the following25 members:
(a) the state science advisor;
(b) a representative from the Department of Agriculture and Food appointed by theexecutive director;
(c) a representative from the Department of Community and Culture appointed by theexecutive director;
(d) a representative from the Department of Environmental Quality appointed by theexecutive director;
(e) a representative from the Department of Natural Resources appointed by theexecutive director;
(f) a representative from the Department of Transportation appointed by the executivedirector;
(g) a representative from the Governor's Office of Economic Development appointed bythe director;
(h) a representative from the Division of Housing and Community Developmentappointed by the director;
(i) a representative from the Division of State History appointed by the director;
(j) a representative from the Division of Air Quality appointed by the director;
(k) a representative from the Division of Drinking Water appointed by the director;
(l) a representative from the Division of Environmental Response and Remediationappointed by the director;
(m) a representative from the Division of Radiation appointed by the director;
(n) a representative from the Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste appointed by thedirector;
(o) a representative from the Division of Water Quality appointed by the director;
(p) a representative from the Division of Oil, Gas, and Mining appointed by the director;
(q) a representative from the Division of Parks and Recreation appointed by the director;
(r) a representative from the Division of Forestry, Fire, and State Lands appointed by thedirector;
(s) a representative from the Utah Geological Survey appointed by the director;
(t) a representative from the Division of Water Resources appointed by the director;
(u) a representative from the Division of Water Rights appointed by the director;
(v) a representative from the Division of Wildlife Resources appointed by the director;
(w) a representative from the School and Institutional Trust Lands Administrationappointed by the director;
(x) a representative from the Division of Facilities Construction and Managementappointed by the director; and
(y) a representative from the Division of Homeland Security appointed by the director.
(2) (a) As particular issues require, the committee may, by majority vote of the memberspresent, and with the concurrence of the state planning coordinator, appoint additional temporarymembers to serve as ex officio voting members.
(b) Those ex officio members may discuss and vote on the issue or issues for which theywere appointed.
(3) A chair shall be selected by a majority vote of committee members with theconcurrence of the state planning coordinator.
(4) A member may not receive compensation or benefits for the member's service, butmay receive per diem and travel expenses in accordance with:
(a) Section
(b) Section
63A-3-107; and
(c) rules made by the Division of Finance pursuant to Sections
63A-3-106 and
Amended by Chapter 286, 2010 General Session