63J-7-201. Governor to approve certain grant requests. (1) (a) Before obligating the state to accept or receive a grant, an executive branchagency shall submit a grant summary to the governor or the governor's designee for approval orrejection when:
(i) the executive branch agency would receive a grant of at least $10,000 but no morethan $50,000 if the grant is approved;
(ii) receipt of the grant will require no additional permanent full-time employees,permanent part-time employees, or combination of additional permanent full-time employees andpermanent part-time employees; and
(iii) no new state money will be required to match the grant.
(b) The Governor's Office of Planning and Budget shall report each grant authorizedunder this section to:
(i) the Legislature's Executive Appropriations Committee; and
(ii) the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst.
(2) The governor or the governor's designee shall approve or reject each grant submittedunder the authority of this section.
(3) (a) If the governor or the governor's designee approves the grant, the executivebranch agency may accept the grant.
(b) If the governor or the governor's designee rejects the grant, the executive branchagency may not accept the grant.
(4) If an executive branch agency fails to obtain the governor's or the governor'sdesignee's approval under this section, the governor may require the agency to return the grant.
Enacted by Chapter 195, 2008 General Session